FeedBack = New Reflection
It felt good to have a warm bank holiday break after the deadline. But new week means more to reflect and develop on for the presentation in front of ADIDAS. Overall, this project as been my strongest so far and the result I got I am very happy by and hope to keep up this level of work for next year. The areas that need looking at is Tech Pack, and the fluidity of customer, photoshoot and illustration.
I have to admit it got to a point with this tech pack where I did give up and maybe didn't push myself as much as I could have. Yes- I would say my CADs have improved- but the whole point of a tech pack is whether all the information is there for the factory to make? And it wasn't. It was like I had almost forgotten what one was and looking back at my Exoskeleton Project Pack didn't help me in the slightest. However, having this break has hopefully removed the mental blockage in my mind and will venture forward with my detail within my tech pack and will test out whether it looks better in Black and White/ Grey Hues compared to the colour
As for the link between the Photoshoot, Illustration, Mood Board and Customer, its going to take me more to think about. This is all about details and a small aspect of a piece can change the whole look of it. I am going to have to play about with this section and experiment with what looks better together: change one image, change a hairstyle on the illustration, etc. I'm looking forward to where this may go.