Shoe Mock Up + Review
I used spacer mesh to add comfort for cushioning for when playing tennis to give the extra bounce. I attached the spacer mesh insole by overlocking, which was possibly the worst idea I could have thought of. This made the shoe twist and not sit right on the sole, as the back doesn't match to the centre of the sole, etc. I feel that maybe I should have thought longer on my decision to attach my insole. Other areas I would change would be the choice of fabric for the navy blue water proof. I believe I would use a leather or a heavyweight waterproof canvas next time to add the structure for the shoe to act more like a shoes. I think there are areas that I've been innovative and some that I haven't though enough about, but having a limited choice of fabric I hope I have succeeded well for my first ever shoe mock up.
I've really enjoyed my experience on this mini project and as opened my eyes into the possibility of shoe design as a future prospect in my life. I wish to further these ideas and to fully achieve a better quality of shoe and design, with more thought put into it maybe for my 3rd collection as it would be interesting to add this element of design into it. This all depends on time and facilities.