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WEEK 7- Reflection

The first term of second year has ended, which means I'm half ay through my time at university. I feel its been a successful term, I am more confident in my decisions as a designer and believe my construction skills have improved too. I have developed a lot since first year and hope to carry on this path.

Areas I want to look more into is innovative ways of pattern cutting and to not speed on my make, try to take my time with it all.

The last project (Industry Practice), was very opening for me to see how I would interpret another brand into my work. I feel I got confused in my designs as I wanted to keep the brands spirit, etc. For the next project I know how to go along this better, not solely focusing on what the brand already does but to find the niche to what it could do (for a new customer, style, activity).

Overall, I'm enjoying 2year a lot, I will continue to explore ideas, become more conceptual in my work and make something innovative and unique but have ultimate functionality for the next project. This will help me for my final year.

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