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WEEK 5- Revisit Designs

After reflecting back on the customer I decided, I knew some of the stuff I had designed will better suit it but also needed more development within it as well. Two of the outfits I have designed I knew just needed some tweaking and would be perfect (woodlouse and fly) but there was two that needed a complete reboot (beetle), especially the one where I got my jacket from (grasshopper).

I went back to the basics and started to collage my ideas down on figures I found in magazines and shapes I had found there too. I then created silhouettes and thought of insect silhouettes as well to influence what I created and came up with 3 ideas. The pictures shows the collage for the fly poncho which will be made from a translucent ripstop and panelled like a fly wing. This really helped out with all the ideas I had crammed in my head and cleared my mind more.

Overall, I've learnt that as a designer I need to get that customer first before I can even go forward in my research and designs and I need to carry on writing everything down, so I have a clearer mind on what I'm doing. I'm glad I found this out before the deadline and I'm slowly but surely making a better collection and I feel more confident with it as well.

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